About Us
Baytouch is a long established provider of high added-value solutions for management systems compliance and specialises in compliance software and performance monitoring, principally Environmental Health & Safety solutions for the Anglo-American chemical industry - PSMmonitor, where robustness and reliability are key, and in 2006 began the development of ReachSuite.
Encompassing substance-specific planning, systematic management of REACH processes including SIEF Management and Communications for Lead Registrants and Consortia, control of supply chain communications and with a variety of possible configurations, ReachSuite fast became the system of choice globally for many leading companies.
Baytouch's head office and development centre is based in the English northwest 25 miles/40 kilometres north of Manchester, with representation in Belgium, the Netherlands and North America (see our Partners):
Baytouch Ltd Ribble Court, 1 Mead Way Padiham Lancashire BB12 7NG United Kingdom Phone + 44 1282 687000 |
With in-house experience of industrial chemical regulations and toxicology, Baytouch clearly understands the pressures brought about by REACH and other regulatory regimes and can help manage them. Integration with other systems is acknowledged as a key aspect and Baytouch has forged strategic partnerships with Regulatory Consultancies and Service Providers as well as with IT systems integration provisioners to provide a holistic service where IT integration services with ERP systems such as SAP and Oracle are required - See Partners.
For further information about Baytouch, or any of its range of Regulatory IT solutions including the ReachSuite, ProductTraq and PSMmonitor IT solutions and services we provide, click here.