ReachSuite, the industry leader in functionality and performance - review of 2010

Friday, 31 December 2010

From it origin in 2007 until now, REACHsuite’s growth and its influence on the REACH ecosphere has been phenomenal and been felt far and wide. From the 1,100 substances that are managed in REACHsuite by various consortia and SIEF Lead Registrants to the 100,000 plus SIEF contacts regularly communicated with, REACHsuite has proved to be reliable, robust and – a special point of pride for Baytouch – generally appreciated as the easiest REACH system to access and use.

REACHsuite’s Contracts and Deliverables succeeds

Added to this now is REACHsuite’s performance in handling Contracts, Billing and Deliverables/Letters of Access distribution.

Of the 6 consortia and 1 corporate / Lead Registrant that used the functionality, 1113 contracts – many of them multi-substance/multi-Legal Entity - generated €10,526,675 of revenue for the 2010 registrations

Broadest Range of Functionality

In benchmarking REACHsuite against its competitors, it is the only industry solution that covers all these areas of functionality so why not compare your experiences against REACHsuite's capabilities and see how the competition measures up:




Lead Registrant SIEF Management


Manage Multiple SIEFs (Category Approach / Super-SIEFs)


No cost for SIEF members to participate


No SIEF Member sign up process to log on


Non-Lead SIEF Management


Flexible Form/Questionnaire Design


Contracts, Billing & Letters of Access


Lead Registrant Substance Management


Project Manage Multiple Substances (Category Approach / Super-SIEFs)


Information Requirements Cost


Service Provider Time Capture against substance and/or project


Contracts can be per substance per legal entity (LE), per multiple substances per LE or multiple substances for multiple LEs


Only Representative or Supply Chain Communications – or both


With Baytouch having led the market in so many areas, and delivered on our promise to make REACH registration easier for our clients in 2010, we now look forward to the considerably larger challenge of making the 2013 REACH registration easier for our clients, just as we did for the 2010 registration.

For further information on how REACHsuite can give you the business advantage with REACH and make REACH easier to manage, click here.