Free SIEF Survey offer
Friday, 3 June 2013June 1st 2018 may seem a long way off but when you have a critical deadline to meet, time has a unique quality of accelerating the nearer you get to the deadline. This bears comparison to the run up to the 2010 and 2013 registration deadlines which seemed to many to flash by in a blur.
With so many companies new to registration without previous registration experience, let alone as a Lead Registrant, it is no wonder that ECHA along with national federations and trade associations will becomeincreasingly vocal in their calls for SIEFs to form and for Lead Registrants to identify themselves or to be nominated for the expected 30,000 substances to be registered.
If the period January - March 2013 is the target for dossier registration – which will allow co-registrants sufficient time to submit before the June 1st deadline – then we are just 15 months away from having to complete the registration work.
As in June 2009, when ECHA, Cefic and others said, “The clock is ticking, form your SIEF now” when there were 17 months to the December 1st, 2010 deadline, and as for the run-up to the 2013 deadline just passed Baytouch is again reinstating the “free use of ReachSuite” offer that successfully galvanised many pre-SIEFs to form and to get things moving.
Baytouch created the de facto standard SIEF management software with a strategic partner and it is widely acknowledged as the most functionally complete yet easiest to use SIEF Management tool. ReachSuite is again available to use on the most straightforward of terms by SIEF activists, potential Lead Registrants or by REACH expertise service providers on behalf of their clients.
The offer is that an initial standard SIEF introduction survey can be sent out to all SIEF member contacts in the REACH-IT XML file and the responses evaluated to provide insight on taking the SIEF forward; who intends to register and in what timeframe, do they consider themselves a potential Lead, Active, Passive, Dormant or a data holder, etc.
These and some additional questions are presented in a simple to use online survey. The results are then automatically compiled and graphed and are posted into the SIEF portal for review by the SIEF members.
There is no requirement for SIEF members to sign up for access, if you are in the SIEF, you are in ReachSuite which results in higher levels of response than average for other methods.
There is no commitment to continue using ReachSuite after the initial survey and the results are easily transportable in an Excel spreadsheet.
The offer is also open to Consultants acting for SIEF members.
For further information on the ReachSuite "Free SIEF Survey" offer click here.